
Automatic database conversion of paper pictorial charts

OCR technology, which recognizes text from images, is now easily available to everyone.
I often used a translation application on my overseas business trips before the Corona disaster.
When you go to a restaurant in China or India, you can take a picture of the menu with an app on your smartphone and immediately translate it into Japanese or English.
In other words, the app recognizes and translates the characters from the image.

These days, the literacy rate of handwritten text is getting closer and closer to 100%.
We would like to introduce a function that allows designers to easily create a database of the pictorial types they have drawn.

Specifically, paper documents (picture type table) with part numbers and picture types are scanned into PDF or JPG format and read into the system.
The part number (text) field and the picture type (object) are divided and stored in the database.
It is also possible to store the customer’s sewing specifications, etc. in each item by recognizing the character position information in the same way.
(Settings for storing in each item are optional.)

This example will be a very simple example.