
【Cell phone photos are acceptable.】We create product images for your online store.

When running an online store, a major factor in
product sales and the number of clicks to the site as a whole is
the photos of the products you sell.

In order to convey the image of the product clearly and to
draw in more users to purchase the product, it is necessary to take beautiful photographs that
show the product as large and as clean as possible.

Create beautiful product images even from smartphone photos.

To take beautiful pictures, it is preferable to use a single-lens reflex camera or a photography studio, but in some cases there is no studio available,
Sometimes the only equipment you have on hand may be a smartphone.

Kirikom can create beautiful product photos even from images taken with a smartphone.

Send us your photo images as they are and we will quickly process them into images for posting on our online store.
(*The overall layout and color scheme must be agreed upon at the time of initial inquiry.)

Adjustment Overall color and brightness can be freely adjusted.

When you take a photo with your phone, the color may be different from the original product, or the overall color may be too dark/bright.

In these cases, you can process the images on your smartphone, but if you have dozens~hundreds of images taken,
processing them one by one on your smartphone is a very difficult task.

CIRICOM can also handle color correction work. If you provide us with sample materials in advance, we will create product images that match the original colors.

Multiple color variations can be included, logos can be inserted, and labels for men’s, women’s, etc. can be inserted (*Logos and labels require the supply of materials).

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also accept monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a large number of products and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

Internet store Product image EC site Color correction Smartphone Smartphone