
【Low quality images can be accepted.】We will prepare your logo data for printing.【tracing operation】

Goods and brochures,
When you hire a printing company to create a poster,
Submission of company or service logo data (AI format) is also required.

The designer who created the logo
I wish I had the data,
If you only have JPG or PNG at hand, you can also use
I think there are many.

Logo data is only in jpg format, and I can’t send it to print!”

I want to use it on a large poster, but the logo gets blurred when I zoom in.”

I don’t have clean photo data, can you convert it?”

Simply upload an image and send it to us!

Please contact Kirikom if you have any problems with these matters.

From the images you uploaded and sent to us,
We will create the logo data for printing.
Feel free to use even a single item.

By tracing an image and creating a vector object,
It can be converted to print-ready data that is not blurred when enlarged.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also offer monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a lot of images and are concerned about costs.

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Trace Vectorization Logo AI Illustrator Printable