
time axis

「There is a saying, “Time is money.
It means that time is as important as money.
Money will not decrease if nothing is done, but time will
time is surely decreasing without doing anything.
In that sense, it may be a waste if we do not cherish it more than money. All living things will surely die when time passes. If you spend your time in vain, you are wasting your life.

Human beings are designed to take the easy way out. They want to make money by taking the easy way out, to lose weight by taking the easy way in, or to have a happy family by taking the easy way in.
There are businesses all over the world that take advantage of this human nature and offer investment opportunities, or encourage people to lose weight effortlessly even though they will rebound anyway. There are many businesses that take advantage of people who want to be happy and enjoy their lives all over the world.

We should work efficiently, but we are never so naive that we can do it with ease.
We must use our time effectively and work hard to achieve our goals.
In the past, Company T aimed at management that dared to take risks.
It was the words of a manager who was very strict even to himself at the time: “Dare to take on the difficult path.
Without regular, steady effort, you can’t achieve your goals very well.
The only way to do such a thing is to make an effort with time. Then you cannot waste time and so on.

Time really seems to fly by as we get older. A year goes by in the blink of an eye.
I feel the days pass by without me having to do anything, and to be honest, I am getting impatient.
It is just like “time flies like an arrow.

I know I sound like a big shot, but let me tell you about my 15 years of futility.

My birthplace is Miyazaki. Perhaps because of its laid-back climate, I felt that time passed by in a leisurely manner. When I came to Osaka, I was surprised to see how fast people walk in the city.

When I joined the company, my work speed was slower than everyone else’s, and I guess I was not very good at my job.
I received poor evaluations from my section manager, and for some reason, although I entered the company with the best grades, my evaluations dropped every year. I thought that this job was not for me, and I wanted to return to my hometown, which I loved. I persuaded my wife to take a mid-career exam for a company in my hometown and received a job offer.
I had just asked the company about my resignation when I received a phone call from my wife’s mother. She said, “I can’t bear to see my daughter, on whom I rely, go to a place as far away as Kyushu. Please don’t quit the company. The company also decided to put my resignation on hold, and I somehow made up my mind to stay at the company.
I can’t quit, and every day passes in anguish. I am labeled as a “no-good guy who says he is resigning.

At that time, I received a resignation and was assigned to another section. It was the toughest new section manager imaginable, but I soon realized the joy of creating a strong selling line and finding clients to whom I could sell that product and make sales. From then on, I would create my own work and immerse myself in it. I became extremely busy, but it was not painful because I enjoyed the work itself. It is strange to say it myself, but from that point on, I began to love my work.
However, it has been about 15 years to get there. It was 15 years of asking myself if I wanted to quit but could not. It was a blank 15 years for me. Why couldn’t I take a positive view of work at that time? I still feel frustrated that I could not take action to develop myself, such as researching and studying if I had time to agonize.
I now wonder what I could have done with 15 years of time, but time can easily pass for about 15 years if I am rambling.
The job is not suited to my personality. My boss doesn’t appreciate my efforts. It is the company’s or my boss’s fault. I blame the environment, the company, or my boss as the reason why my work is not going well.
The destination of such thinking is the conclusion that you want to quit the company.
If you think that what is going wrong is within you, reflect on it, and make efforts to correct it, you will surely see results, and even if you don’t, people will notice your positive efforts and support you.
I wish I could go back in time to when I was younger, but as long as I am human, I can’t.
The present is important. I believe that living in the present moment to the fullest is the way to live without wasting time.

There are things in business that cannot be accomplished in a year or two. As a company, it is important to have a strategy to change your clientele from mass retailers to specialty apparel stores, but it is also important for individuals to acquire product knowledge and build personal connections. Set medium-term goals, and if possible, declare them to the people around you.
I believe that by setting a goal of doing it within three years at the fastest, or five years at the latest, we can discipline ourselves to let time pass in a rambling manner. However, I think it is impossible to accomplish this medium-term goal unless you are aware of it every day. I set a goal of 20% gross profit margin within three years, and I chanted it like an incantation to everyone in my section every day. I think I was able to achieve this goal because I made sure that everyone in my section was aware of it every day.

When I was a bad salesman, I thought that if I was prepared to work at this company for the rest of my life, I would have to become a section manager, and one day I set a clear goal to become a section manager. The section manager at the time was a dedicated cut-and-sew section manager, so it would take me a long time to catch up with him in terms of experience and knowledge, and I knew it would be a long road for me to become a section manager after he became a department manager. The section chief at the time was quick-witted and had a spirit of challenge, so I told him that as long as I developed a product that the company had yet to try and showed that I could make money with it, he would entrust me with the product and give me his support.
Thus, I set a goal to become a section manager within three years. In order to achieve this goal as early as possible, I met with the person in charge of casual pants at the Nagoya head office and the person in charge of our rival company, Takihyo, who taught me the basics of woven casual wear and even taught me about our suppliers.
It is hard to imagine now that an employee of a rival company would teach me his know-how, but that is how desperate I was. I think they taught me a lot because I was still young and because I treated the people I met with respect.
Casual pants were still in the midst of a boom, so my product sold well. After achieving good results, I placed an order for 200,000 pairs of stretch fabric with a fabric manufacturer in Hiroshima, and planned a processing trade in which the fabric would be processed at a factory in Beijing. Negotiations for processing fees in Beijing were difficult, but we managed to conclude the deal. I was anxious about the considerable amount of product, but we sold it frantically and managed to sell it out. That job boosted my confidence, and I take the liberty of deciding that now is the right time to become a section chief. I tell the company that if they make me section chief, I will show them a 150% increase in sales and profits.

1) Set clear goals
2) Decide what measures will be implemented to achieve the goals and by when
3) Obtain the support of those who agree to the measures you have decided on
4) Have the determination to overcome any difficulties in order to implement the measures
5) Through my work, I will be the No. 1 person in the company in terms of experience, knowledge, judgment, and decision-making with regard to my current job.
I guess the above is a summary of the above.

I’m sure each person’s times, environment, and abilities are different, so the measures will be different.
However, it is important to set a goal and determine a time frame for achieving that goal, whether it is long term, medium term, or short term. This is because it will help you to discipline yourself in the present.
However, I think the most important point is the strong will to achieve the goal. For me, I could not have climbed up from what I thought was rock bottom without the strong will to achieve the goals of “20% gross profit” and “promotion to section manager. In my case, I achieved both of these goals within one or two years.

Time wasting happens every day if you are not aware of it. Have you ever had something that you think you should do right now? Even if you know that it is best to do it now, the fear that it will be difficult to report or that something bad will happen after you report makes you delay the report. Even if you make an appointment, the negative image of not being able to respond to the previous business meeting or the fear that you will not be liked will lead to hesitation. If you have not received a reply to the previous business meeting, you should make a move to do so, and if it will take time, you should inform them of the delay and make an appointment as if it were a business meeting.

If you do it right away, you will waste time because you don’t do it, you will have problems because you delay, and you will lose profits because of the delay. Time is finite, and there is no time to hesitate, worry, or dither.
In any case, we should seriously tackle and solve the problems in front of us. Then, move forward to new challenges that will yield positive results. Whether you use your time effectively or waste it is entirely up to you.
It is not for the president to judge or decide. I firmly believe that if you yourself have a positive attitude and time on your side, your work will produce results and your life will be fulfilled.