
Support function for “Sasage Business”: Let’s register to the texture chart with Kiricom Plus and get HTML data!

Kilicom Plus has released a new function for creating EC information. Continuing from yesterday, today we will introduce the “texture chart registration function. Looking at e-commerce sites these days, we see an increasing number of charts describing the fabrics used in products. Spurred by the Corona disaster, and now that shopping online is commonplace, it is essential to display the information in a way that is easy for customers to understand. Certainly, it is easier to understand at a glance than a written explanation, as was the case a decade ago. This work is the “manuscript” portion of the whispering business, and a chart display would be useful to create a more sophisticated manuscript than other companies. …but it is quite time-consuming to create that chart every time. So! The “Texture Chart Registration Function” released by Kilicom Plus is very useful. In order to tell customers about the texture of the materials used in your products, you can register a variety of items. How thick the fabric is, whether it is stretchable or not, whether it is transparent or not, whether it is shiny or not, and so on…all of these are things that cannot be seen from the screen. By registering them and making them selectable, the efficiency of registration work in daily EC operations can be improved. The texture chart is also available as HTML data for use on web pages. Now, there are four steps to operate such a texture chart. ①  Register textures and their evaluation values on the master screen. (e.g., fabric thickness: thick, normal, thin) ②  ①Registers a set of textures registered in ((e.g., blouse, fabric thickness, transparency, elasticity, etc.) ③  EC Information > Texture Description is displayed from the product details. ②Select from the set set in ④Set and save chart contents. This completes the process. Again, a short video of the operation is available. Please take a look and experience Kilicom Plus! Kiricom Plusis a free cloud service that allows you to centralize your image and product management. Please register for free and feel the operation. In Kilicom Plus,New introduction consultationBeginning with the “Mere Old Man”,Online ConsultationWe also accept Please feel free to contact us.