
To prevent human error

We recently visited the brand store of a company that uses APASYS.

APASYS attaches a barcode reader to the iPhone to read product barcodes. As soon as we are notified of a malfunction, we immediately contact the manufacturer for repair. This time, we were told that the equipment we had sent to them as repaired products was still malfunctioning. We visited the manufacturer of the equipment to confirm the problem in person, as time was of the essence.

It took about 3 minutes to check the status of the bar code reader and reconfigure it. After the repair, he said that the operation was omitted when it should have been restored to its factory condition.

It should not be. No matter how convenient the equipment may be, a final human error could result in a loss of customer trust. I felt myself tighten my body and mind once again.

We will continue our efforts to make our customers more satisfied.