
Featured in Textile News

The article about our APASYS, Kilicom, and Kilicom Plus titled “Providing Solutions for DX Acceleration” appeared in the July 27, 2022 issue of “Textile News,” a daily general textile newspaper.

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APASYS FileMaker News

Interview with Mr. Masayuki Kato was published in Kodansha’s “Gendai Business” magazine.

The APASYS case study is featured on the website of Kodansha’s “Gendai Business” as follows The article, “What is the ‘custom-made’ ‘low-code development’ that caused a ‘DX revolution’ in the apparel industry? was published on Kodansha’s “Gendai Business” website as a case study of APASYS implementation. APASYS” was introduced as a business management system that is attracting attention from the apparel industry, which is in need of in-depth information sharing with overseas due to the Corona disaster. APASYS is a development platform provided by Claris International Inc.Claris FileMakerIt will be a business management system developed using This article features an interview with Takayuki Takadoi, President and Representative Director of Intertextured, and Kenjiro Kanda, Managing Director of Intertextured Corporation, a company that has introduced and is using APASYS. He talks about the current situation in the apparel industry, the decisive factors for introducing APASYS, the strengths of APASYS, and future plans for the apparel industry. For more information, please read “Gendai Business” by Kodansha from the banner at the top of the screen or the button below!
Claris International Inc. also posted an article on their website as a case study of our company’s implementation. The article, “Realization of an integrated system from raw material procurement to sales on a low-code platform” is also posted on the website of Claris International Inc. Claris International Inc. Intertextured Corporation migrated from using spreadsheet software for internal business management to our “APASYS”, As a result, the management and sharing of information became much more efficient, and the company was able to eliminate the need for human resources. The article also introduces the specifics of how they were able to improve the closing rate and quality of their business. Please take a look at this page as well!
APASYS FileMaker News

Introduced as a case study on the website of Claris International Inc.

Claris International Inc. The company’s case study, “Integrated system from raw material procurement to sales on a low-code platform” has been posted on the website of Claris International Inc. Claris International Inc. Intertextured Corporation migrated from using spreadsheet software to APASYS, a Claris FileMaker SBA solution, As a result, the management and sharing of information became much more efficient, and the company was able to eliminate the need for human resources. The result was a significant improvement in information management and sharing, as well as an improvement in closing rates and quality. You can read about this case study on the Claris blog. Please take a look.

To prevent human error

We recently visited the brand store of a company that uses APASYS.

APASYS attaches a barcode reader to the iPhone to read product barcodes. As soon as we are notified of a malfunction, we immediately contact the manufacturer for repair. This time, we were told that the equipment we had sent to them as repaired products was still malfunctioning. We visited the manufacturer of the equipment to confirm the problem in person, as time was of the essence.

It took about 3 minutes to check the status of the bar code reader and reconfigure it. After the repair, he said that the operation was omitted when it should have been restored to its factory condition.

It should not be. No matter how convenient the equipment may be, a final human error could result in a loss of customer trust. I felt myself tighten my body and mind once again.

We will continue our efforts to make our customers more satisfied.

News APASYS Press Release

InfoEye, a company promoting apparel DX, and its “APASYS” solution for the apparel industry are certified as IT tools eligible for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2022”.


IT Introduction Subsidy 2022 Up to 4.5 million yen in subsidies are available!

(headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Takayuki Kodoi, President; hereinafter referred to as “INFOI”), which promotes DX in the apparel industry, has been selected as an IT introduction support provider for the “IT introduction subsidy 2022 (IT introduction support business for improving service productivity)” and its apparel solution “APASYS” developed and provided by the company has been certified as an IT tool for the subsidy.
This means that apparel companies eligible for the IT Subsidy 2022 can receive a subsidy of up to 1/2 of the installation cost (initial cost and one-year usage fee) or a maximum of 4.5 million yen when they install APASYS.


What is APASYS?
This solution for the apparel industry includes functions for planning management, merchandise management (products and raw materials), production management, purchase management, sales management, in-house exhibitions, store management, POS, logistics management, analysis, and accounting.
Of course, you can use only the functions you need.
We are currently expanding the functionality of the solution, reflecting customer feedback and the experience of those who have worked in the apparel OEM and SPA industries over the years.
We will continue to strongly promote Apparel DX.

▼ Click here for more information on the target tools.

▼ Click here to learn more about case studies of the target tools.

APASYS case study by Claris FileMaker.

20 cardboard boxes of proposals in your iPhone

Case Study of Centralization of Operations in Apparel OEM Industry – From Planning, Profitability, Exhibition to Production Management

Case study of centralized operations in the apparel industry – from planning and production to exhibitions and accounts receivable/payable management


About IT Deployment Subsidy 2022
The purpose of the IT introduction subsidy is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve business efficiency and increase sales by subsidizing a portion of the cost of introducing IT tools to solve their own issues and needs.


About InfoEye
Since our establishment in 2002, we have been providing solutions and operations for the apparel industry and image cropping services based in Japan and India.
In the future, we will continue to expand our business to the fashion industry and provide useful solutions to our customers.

【About Us】


Company name: InfoEye Inc.
Location: BIZSMART Kanda 503, 1-10-6 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: KOEDOI Takayuki
Established: February 2002

Qualifications and Certifications

Business Description:
Building and operating solutions for the fashion industry
Image cropping and processing service (Kiricom)


Automatic database conversion of paper pictorial charts

OCR technology, which recognizes text from images, is now easily available to everyone.
I often used a translation application on my overseas business trips before the Corona disaster.
When you go to a restaurant in China or India, you can take a picture of the menu with an app on your smartphone and immediately translate it into Japanese or English.
In other words, the app recognizes and translates the characters from the image.

These days, the literacy rate of handwritten text is getting closer and closer to 100%.
We would like to introduce a function that allows designers to easily create a database of the pictorial types they have drawn.

Specifically, paper documents (picture type table) with part numbers and picture types are scanned into PDF or JPG format and read into the system.
The part number (text) field and the picture type (object) are divided and stored in the database.
It is also possible to store the customer’s sewing specifications, etc. in each item by recognizing the character position information in the same way.
(Settings for storing in each item are optional.)

This example will be a very simple example.


Processing orders and prorating

APASYS 加工発注書

Added processing order and prorate processing and actual prorate processing functions to APASYS.

1To make one product, raw machines and materials are sent to a processing shop to be made into one product, or only embroidery is done.

We have had a function similar to the processing order function in the past, but I think the release of this new function will help to refresh our minds.

When processing orders are placed and raw machines and other equipment are moved, inventory must naturally be reduced, and various units should be considered in conjunction with the units at the time of shipment.
When the products are returned as finished goods, of course, the unit of measure has changed.

They may also be produced by groups.
We were able to release these series of processes as APASYS functions while discussing with the customer.(๑>◡<๑)。


Featured as a case study on the Claris International Inc. website

We are pleased to announce that Claris International Inc. has posted “20 cardboard boxes of proposals on an iPhone” on their website as a case study of our company’s implementation.

M.K., which operates the children’s clothing brand “Shirley Temple,” had long relied on handwritten documents and Microsoft Excel for internal operations ranging from planning and production to sales management.

Case Study Introduction Page