
【tracing operation】Even brush strokes are beautifully converted into data! Introduction to Tracing

If you want to use handwritten or penmanship for your store’s logo, etc,
Photo images and paper documents must be converted to print data.

In this case, though, you can use Adobe Illustrator to convert it to print data,
Fine brush strokes and colored logo images may not be converted cleanly even with software functions.

Converts handwritten text into clean data.

・I want to convert a photographic image of a logo into data to be submitted for printing.
・I want illustrations that do not blur when enlarged in size.
・We want to create beautiful logo data based on hand-drawn design drawings.
・I want to illustrate a product image.

Please contact Kirikom if you have any problems with these matters.
Just take an image and send it to us to convert it into beautiful print data.

We will reproduce the text in the original image as faithfully as possible to create a finish with no sense of discrepancy. Feel free to use us for as little as one item.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly order a certain quantity of images. We also offer a monthly plan, which is recommended for customers who handle a lot of images and are concerned about costs.

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Trace Handwriting Brushstroke AI File Data Conversion


【removal of unwanted objects】Just take a picture and send it to us for a ready-to-use product image! Introduction of Hanger Removal

When creating product images of garments for an online store, it is necessary to remove the hangers on which the garments are hung. If it is only a few items, it can be done with an application, but if you have to sell many items in a hurry, it is very difficult to process each item one by one.

Remove only the hanger part with a natural finish.

Please contact Kirikom if you have any problems with these matters.

At Kirikom, all you have to do is take a picture and send it to us, and we will send you a clean image of the product without hangers.

The natural tones and shades of the original image are retained, and only the hanger portion is removed, resulting in a finish with no sense of discomfort. We can easily accommodate you with as little as a single item.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kirlicom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly order a certain quantity of images. We also offer a monthly plan, which is recommended for customers who handle a lot of images and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

Hanger Retouching Removal of unwanted objects Transplant work Image processing

Kirikom News

【People Cutout】Can be layered nicely on dark backgrounds! Introduction of fringe removal at the ends of the hair

When a person image with fine hair ends is clipped,
The background color may remain with the hair.

When using an image in a layout, if it is directly overlaid on a background of the same color, there is no problem,
If the layered color is a red or blue with clear saturation
The background left at the tips of the person’s hair may come to the surface.

Removes only the background left at the hair ends with a natural finish

Please contact Kilikom if you have any problems with these matters.

In addition to clipping, Kilikom performs a fringe (borderline dirt) removal process on the tips of the hair.
The processed cropped image will look natural even when overlaid on a background color with a clear saturation.

While preserving the natural tones and shades of the original image,
Only the background remaining at the ends of the hair will be processed, so that an uncomfortable finish can be achieved.

Feel free to use even a single item.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also offer monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a lot of images and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

People Clipping Hair Tip Retouching Blending Background Color Image Processing


【Reflection Removal】Cleanly removes reflections on metal products

When handling metal products for product photography, such as watches, accessories, and home appliances,
the background on the other side may be reflected in the image.

In this case, it is necessary to use a correction tool to remove the reflection, but
it takes some skill to correct the image while taking into account the natural balance of light and dark and shading.

Removes only the reflection with a natural finish.

Please contact Kirikom if you have any problems with these matters.

In Cilicom, even in the background, which is largely photoshopped,
Clean removal is possible.

While preserving the natural tones and shades of the original image,
Only the unnecessary reflections are removed, so that an uncomfortable finish can be achieved.

Feel free to use even a single item.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also offer monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a lot of images and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

Metal products Reflection Retouching Removal of unwanted objects Transplantation work Image processing


【Retouching】Removes water droplets cleanly from photographic material

When taking images for e-commerce sites or for promotional materials for design work,
sometimes it is best to do a little image manipulation in order to use them as promotional materials as intended.

Although the angle and composition of the photo is perfect for the image,
Accidentally, there are unwanted objects in the photo,
The color of the product is skipped in the sunlight,
Images taken outside in rainy weather may have water droplets on them.

In most cases, such water droplets are difficult to remove with simple processing software.

Removes only water droplets while maintaining the color tone of the original image.

Please contact Kirikom if you have any problems with these matters.

Kiricom can cleanly remove
even images with many fine water droplets.

While preserving the natural tones and shades of the original image,
Since only unnecessary water droplets are removed, an uncomfortable finish can be achieved.

1Feel free to use even a single item.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also offer monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a lot of images and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

Water drop removal Retouching Removal of unwanted objects Transplantation work Image processing


【Low quality images can be accepted.】We will prepare your logo data for printing.【tracing operation】

Goods and brochures,
When you hire a printing company to create a poster,
Submission of company or service logo data (AI format) is also required.

The designer who created the logo
I wish I had the data,
If you only have JPG or PNG at hand, you can also use
I think there are many.

Logo data is only in jpg format, and I can’t send it to print!”

I want to use it on a large poster, but the logo gets blurred when I zoom in.”

I don’t have clean photo data, can you convert it?”

Simply upload an image and send it to us!

Please contact Kirikom if you have any problems with these matters.

From the images you uploaded and sent to us,
We will create the logo data for printing.
Feel free to use even a single item.

By tracing an image and creating a vector object,
It can be converted to print-ready data that is not blurred when enlarged.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also offer monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a lot of images and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

Trace Vectorization Logo AI Illustrator Printable


【Can be used for EC product images!】Introduction of trimming work

When creating product images for an e-commerce site,
It is best to capture the product as large and clean as possible.

When you take a picture with a single-lens reflex camera or a smartphone, the size of the image is horizontal,
If the image is cropped at this ratio and size, the entire image will appear small.

In such cases, do the trimming process,
Make your products look big and beautiful.

Trimming can be done with apps, etc., though,
With an app, you have to process each piece by yourself,
It is difficult to do it yourself when quantities are large.

Simply upload an image and send it to us!

If you are short on time or have a lot of work to do, please let Kirikom handle it.
If you upload an image and send it to us,
All images will be delivered trimmed and processed. You can choose any size you like.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also accept monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a large number of products and are concerned about costs.

About Margin Deletion Work

In addition to trimming, Kilikom can also trim and erase all margins.

Description: To remove margins and resize images
Recommended for: Mainly for those who create product images for e-commerce sites.

【margin-clearing operation】
Content: If only the margins are erased and the size is not changed
Recommended: Can be used for web production, design work, etc.

search keyword

Model photo retouching Hair tip cropping Alpha channel


【Recommended for shortening time and improving efficiency!】Introduction of human model clipping work【We can accept requests for as little as one item.】

Clipping is a time-consuming process,
Especially when clipping human models,
The hair is often difficult to process.

Even if you use free software or an application’s automatic processing to crop the image,
The background may remain, or the tips of the hairs may not be clipped cleanly.
This can result in the need to rework the image, which can take even more time.

Especially if the image quantity is large,
It is quite difficult to crop all the images by yourself.

I have a lot of photos that need to be cropped, but I don’t have time to do it!”

“I’m worried that the finish will be inconsistent…”

We want to keep prices as low as possible.”

If you are having trouble with this, please let Kirikom help you.
All you have to do is upload the image and send it to us,
We will send you beautifully clipped data.
You can use our service for as little as one item.

We can deliver as soon as the next day.

Even time-consuming model photo cropping,
KIRIKOM can deliver the photos the next day at the earliest.
The estimated turnaround time is as follows. (*This may vary depending on the content of the image.)

Everything is cut out by hand with great care.

At Kilicom, all clipping is done by hand by our staff.
This reduces variations in the finished product that tend to occur with automatic processing,
We are able to deliver beautifully clipped images.

The basic cutout is done using the pen tool,
The hair part is carefully processed using an alpha channel.

Clipping of human models is available from 100 yen (excluding tax)

Clipping of people is the lowest real price,
【100 yen (excluding tax)~】
We accept orders from

※Prices may vary depending on the contents of the image.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also accept monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a large number of products and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

Model photo retouching Hair tip cropping Alpha channel


【Cell phone photos are acceptable.】We create product images for your online store.

When running an online store, a major factor in
product sales and the number of clicks to the site as a whole is
the photos of the products you sell.

In order to convey the image of the product clearly and to
draw in more users to purchase the product, it is necessary to take beautiful photographs that
show the product as large and as clean as possible.

Create beautiful product images even from smartphone photos.

To take beautiful pictures, it is preferable to use a single-lens reflex camera or a photography studio, but in some cases there is no studio available,
Sometimes the only equipment you have on hand may be a smartphone.

Kirikom can create beautiful product photos even from images taken with a smartphone.

Send us your photo images as they are and we will quickly process them into images for posting on our online store.
(*The overall layout and color scheme must be agreed upon at the time of initial inquiry.)

Adjustment Overall color and brightness can be freely adjusted.

When you take a photo with your phone, the color may be different from the original product, or the overall color may be too dark/bright.

In these cases, you can process the images on your smartphone, but if you have dozens~hundreds of images taken,
processing them one by one on your smartphone is a very difficult task.

CIRICOM can also handle color correction work. If you provide us with sample materials in advance, we will create product images that match the original colors.

Multiple color variations can be included, logos can be inserted, and labels for men’s, women’s, etc. can be inserted (*Logos and labels require the supply of materials).

Discounts are available for regular orders of a certain quantity.

Kiricom offers discounted pricing for customers who regularly request a certain quantity.

We also accept monthly plans, which are recommended for customers who handle a large number of products and are concerned about costs.

search keyword

Internet store Product image EC site Color correction Smartphone Smartphone


Introduction of image clipping service

Kiricom is developing an image clipping service.
Often occurs in design, DTP, e-commerce site management, etc.
Crop one of the images.【45 yen (excluding tax)】〜We offer a wide range of products from low price to high price range.



As an overview of the work,
Remove all of the background, leaving only the products in the photo.
The background after the work can be selected from white, transparent, or other.


Our clipping does not use automatic tools,
We do all of our work manually,
Even the hair of a person or a necklace can be neatly cropped to the smallest detail.

Our normal clipping work is delivered without a pass.
If you wish to include a pass, the price will be added to the price of the clipping.
per item【5 yen】~【29 yen】There will be an additional charge of approx.

In addition to cropping work, Kiricom also offers color correction and color mode change,
We offer a variety of image processing services, including retouching.
Please send us your images and our professional staff will carefully process them for you.

For questions or concerns,
Please contact us via the following e-mail address or inquiry form.

Click here for inquiry form

Inquiry e-mail

Image clipping service Design DTP EC site management