News KIRIKOM PLUS Press Release

Free] Released a function to support EC operations such as automatic feature extraction and description generation from product images by AI.

〜Added time-consuming product description generation, dimension table HTML, and texture description HTML generation functions.

We have developed and implemented a “Sage Business” support function that can be used free of charge on “Kiricom Plus,” a cloud service that solves problems faced by the fashion industry.
Click here to visit the service site.


About the whispering business
Sasage business is an acronym for “photography,” “measurements,” and “manuscript,” which are necessary for product information for e-commerce sites.

Background of the release of the Kiricom Plus whispering business support function
Sending and receiving is a daily task for e-commerce businesses, and it is a difficult job that never allows for mistakes.
For the past 20 years, InfoEye has been operating “Kiricom,” an image cropping and processing service used by several thousand EC-related businesses, including apparel companies, and has frequently received inquiries from Kiricom customers regarding image editing.
In order to alleviate some of the problems faced by EC businesses, we have decided to release a free support function for image trimming operations.

With Kilicom Plus, planners can register planning information and product information, create line sheets, and then use the data to create and share sewing specifications and progress management with production staff.
With this new function, EC staff can use the registered data as well as newly registered product information to support business operations.

Kiricom Plus’ Whispering Business Support Functions
Kilicom Plus, a cloud service that solves issues faced by the fashion industry, is adding and studying additional functions to improve operations in the industry with the power of IT.
The following four functions have been added to support the whispering business this time.

1. Automatic feature extraction and description generation from product images by AI
2. Dimension table HTML generation
3. Generation of HTML for texture notation
4. Photography and product master registration service (paid option)

Currently, we are also developing a function that enables batch information generation and automatic HTML generation of new information for shopping malls, etc.

1. automatic feature extraction and description generation from product images by AI
The image recognition AI automatically extracts multiple product features from product images with high accuracy and generates product descriptions.
The features can be manually added or deleted as necessary, and the product description can be generated with even higher accuracy.
Currently, only Japanese and English are supported, but the number of languages will be expanded gradually.


2. Dimension table HTML generation
You can easily create a clean dimension table HTML by selecting a part for each item from a pre-registered master.
The parts of each item can also be used in the sewing specifications function.


3. Generation of HTML for texture notation
An unlimited number of texture sets can be created.
Up to four options can be set for each texture (e.g., Yes, Slightly Yes, No, etc.).
Create beautiful texture description HTML source with simple operation.


4. Photography and product master registration service (paid option)
We photograph the products received from our customers and register them in Kilicom Plus.
The registered product information can be utilized via API function or product information CSV. (Separate meeting required).
Please contact us for details.

About InfoEye
Since our establishment in 2002, we have been providing solutions, operations, and image cropping services for the apparel industry based in Japan and India.
In the future, we will continue to expand our business to the fashion industry in general, and continue to build solutions that are useful to everyone.

【About Us】
Company name: InfoEye Inc.
Location: BIZSMART Kanda 503, 1-10-6 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: KOEDOI Takayuki
Established: February 2002

Qualifications and Certifications

Apple Consultant Network

Claris FileMaker SBA Partners

Building and operating solutions for the fashion industry
Image cropping and processing service (Kiricom)

【For customer inquiries, please contact】
TEL: 03-5816-2522

KIRIKOM PLUS News Press Release

InfoEye, a company promoting apparel DX, and its “Kiricom Plus” solution for the fashion industry are certified as IT tools eligible for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2022”.

IT Introduction Subsidy 2022 A subsidy of up to 1.5 million yen is available!

(headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Takayuki Kodoi, President; hereinafter referred to as “INFOI”), which promotes DX in the apparel industry, has been selected as an IT introduction support provider for the “IT introduction subsidy 2022 (IT introduction support business for improving service productivity),” and its “Kilicom Plus” solution for the fashion industry developed and provided by the company has been certified as an eligible IT tool for the subsidy, following “APASYS.
As a result, apparel companies eligible for IT introduction subsidy 2022 can receive a subsidy of up to 1/2 of the introduction cost (initial cost and one-year usage fee) or a maximum of 1.5 million yen when they introduce “Kilicom Plus”.
APASYS can utilize up to 4.5 million yen in IT introduction subsidy 2022


What is Kilicom Plus?
Kilikom Plus is a cloud solution for the fashion industry that you can start for free.
Starting with product planning management, daily image management, product management, and creation of sewing specifications are also possible.
Registered planning information can be easily output as line sheets or sales materials in PDF format, and registered product information can be posted to web exhibitions at the touch of a button.
Based on the advice of our customers, we have also implemented functions such as size charts, texture charts, and automatic AI product description creation, all of which are necessary for EC operations.
We are currently expanding these functions, reflecting customer feedback and the experience of those who have worked in the apparel OEM and SPA industries over the years.
Kilicom Plus will continue to pursue efficiency and strongly promote apparel DX for our customers.

▼ Click here for more information on the target tools.


About IT Deployment Subsidy 2022
The purpose of the IT introduction subsidy is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve business efficiency and increase sales by subsidizing a portion of the cost of introducing IT tools to solve their own issues and needs.


About InfoEye
Since our establishment in 2002, we have been providing solutions and operations for the apparel industry and image cropping services based in Japan and India.
In the future, we will continue to expand our business to the fashion industry and provide useful solutions to our customers.


【About Us】

Company Name: InfoEye, Inc.
Location: 503 BIZSMART Kanda, 1-10-6 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Takayuki Kodoi
Established: February 2002

Qualifications and Certifications

Business Description:
Construction and operation of solutions for the fashion industry
Image cropping and processing service (Kiricom)

News APASYS Press Release

InfoEye, a company promoting apparel DX, and its “APASYS” solution for the apparel industry are certified as IT tools eligible for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2022”.


IT Introduction Subsidy 2022 Up to 4.5 million yen in subsidies are available!

(headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Takayuki Kodoi, President; hereinafter referred to as “INFOI”), which promotes DX in the apparel industry, has been selected as an IT introduction support provider for the “IT introduction subsidy 2022 (IT introduction support business for improving service productivity)” and its apparel solution “APASYS” developed and provided by the company has been certified as an IT tool for the subsidy.
This means that apparel companies eligible for the IT Subsidy 2022 can receive a subsidy of up to 1/2 of the installation cost (initial cost and one-year usage fee) or a maximum of 4.5 million yen when they install APASYS.


What is APASYS?
This solution for the apparel industry includes functions for planning management, merchandise management (products and raw materials), production management, purchase management, sales management, in-house exhibitions, store management, POS, logistics management, analysis, and accounting.
Of course, you can use only the functions you need.
We are currently expanding the functionality of the solution, reflecting customer feedback and the experience of those who have worked in the apparel OEM and SPA industries over the years.
We will continue to strongly promote Apparel DX.

▼ Click here for more information on the target tools.

▼ Click here to learn more about case studies of the target tools.

APASYS case study by Claris FileMaker.

20 cardboard boxes of proposals in your iPhone

Case Study of Centralization of Operations in Apparel OEM Industry – From Planning, Profitability, Exhibition to Production Management

Case study of centralized operations in the apparel industry – from planning and production to exhibitions and accounts receivable/payable management


About IT Deployment Subsidy 2022
The purpose of the IT introduction subsidy is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve business efficiency and increase sales by subsidizing a portion of the cost of introducing IT tools to solve their own issues and needs.


About InfoEye
Since our establishment in 2002, we have been providing solutions and operations for the apparel industry and image cropping services based in Japan and India.
In the future, we will continue to expand our business to the fashion industry and provide useful solutions to our customers.

【About Us】


Company name: InfoEye Inc.
Location: BIZSMART Kanda 503, 1-10-6 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: KOEDOI Takayuki
Established: February 2002

Qualifications and Certifications

Business Description:
Building and operating solutions for the fashion industry
Image cropping and processing service (Kiricom)

KIRIKOM PLUS News Press Release

Launched “Kiricom Plus,” a cloud solution for the fashion industry and e-commerce operations.

Free Cloud Solution – Get Started for Free

(Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Takayuki Koto-Doi) will begin offering the planning and production management functions of “Kirikom Plus,” a cloud solution that allows users to easily start DXing fashion industry and EC operations, today.


Six features of Kiricom Plus
1. planning and management
Today, you can easily register and share planning information with a bird’s eye view of the item structure.
Output to line sheets and product replacement on line sheets is also easy.

2. production control
The system enables the management of forecast and actual schedules for each product and raw material in a Gantt chart and calendar format.

3. Image Management
Store and manage planning, production instructions, EC, 3D images, etc. by part number and color.
Of course, 3D images can also be displayed.

4. Cloud Sharing
By sharing sewing specifications and other documents in the cloud, it is always possible to check each other’s work in the most up-to-date condition.
The shared side is free of charge.

5. multilingual
Kirikom Plus allows you to switch display languages at the touch of a button.
This makes it easy to use for overseas offices and external suppliers.

6. Get started for free!

If necessary, you can move to the paid version.
Even the paid version is very reasonable as it is charged per simultaneous connection.

※ All basic functions are free. The fee-based plans are also very reasonably priced, starting at 3,000 yen/month (per connection). Please visit our website for more details.
※Currently, only Japanese and English are supported. Chinese will be added in July.

Major Upcoming Releases
1. tender function
We provide functions to automatically create size charts HTML, texture charts, and AI automatic creation of product descriptions.
We also create HTML for shopping mall new information pages, etc.

2. Task management, document sharing, and chat functions
Task management, document sharing, chat, etc. can be used to collaborate with in-house employees and outside vendors on sewing specifications created by Kilicom Plus or by product groups.

3. Purchase, sales, store, and accounting functions released sequentially
It centralizes operations such as ordering and purchasing of raw materials, ordering and receiving of products, inventory, web exhibitions, stores, and accounting.

Background of the Creation of Kilicom Plus
Until now, InfoEye Inc. has supported DX through its “APASYS” solution for the apparel industry.
At the same time, we have also been supporting mainly product sales (e-commerce) through the image cropping service “Kiricom” for customers in various industries.
This is our proposal in response to the rapidly increasing demand from customers of both services for smooth information sharing, business efficiency, centralization, and low-cost solutions due to the impact of the new coronavirus.

About InfoEye
Since its establishment in 2002, the company has been providing solutions, operations, and image cropping services to the apparel industry based in Japan and India.
In the future, we will continue to expand the scope of our business to the fashion industry and build solutions that will be useful to everyone.

【About Us】
Company name: InfoEye Inc.
Location: BIZSMART Kanda 503, 1-10-6 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: KOEDOI Takayuki
Established: February 2002

Business Description:
Solutions for the Fashion Industry Construction and operation
Image cropping and processing service (Kiricom)

【For customer inquiries, please contact】
TEL: 03-5816-2522