
Building trust

In the Tokyo metropolitan assembly election held on April 4, the LDP came out on top, winning 33 seats, up from 25 before the election. However, the LDP and New Komeito, which cooperated in the election, won a combined 28 seats, falling far short of the majority target, and the LDP and New Komeito together fell far short of the majority target.
The reason for the defeat was the government’s response to the coronavirus and its aversion to hosting the Tokyo Olympics, which is about to start.
Vaccinations were delayed, which could be called SUPER SLOW, and the declaration of a state of emergency was repeatedly postponed and re-imposed,
Many people are fed up with delays in aid payments and the continuous drinking and not drinking.
In addition, Finance Minister Aso said, “You sowed the seeds yourself,” referring to Governor Koike, who is resting due to overwork.
Koike, who heard Aso’s comment on his sickbed, must have grinned.
Governor Koike has previously been slammed by the media as a “green raccoon” since his “exclusion” comment.
He must have thought that the “self-inflicted” comment was a favorable comment to the TMF.
There is a Japanese sentiment called “hanko biyaku” (to support the weak).
It is a feeling of wanting to support the weak.
It is a feeling of pity for Governor Koike, who collapsed from overwork in dealing with Corona and the Tokyo Olympics.

It is a longing for the pure, the innocent, the single-minded, and an aversion to arrogance and cowardice.
I believe this is the sentiment of the Japanese people. We cannot ignore this feeling in our business.
We cannot ignore this feeling in our business.

There is a former subordinate of mine, T-kun, who is now a high-profile section manager at Company T.
He was one of the three main salesmen when I was section manager.
All three were among the best salespeople in the entire company.

One of them is a fast salesman who is to the point, handles paperwork quickly, and has a sense of speed,
He was quick-witted and I rarely had to scold him.
I was concerned that the only thing that bothered me was that the relationships within the company were not very good.

The other is a sales representative who is good at his job but has a habit of deception.
He is known for his planning and proposals, and has a keen intuition, but for some reason he tells trivial lies.
I had warned him severely on numerous occasions.
However, he was a mysterious character who was endearing to certain customers, including his habit of deceit.

In Mr. T’s case, he was a salesman who was never to the point, but had a reputation for integrity and a strong sense of justice that abhorred cowardice and arrogance. He was the type of salesman who gains trust through steady, down-to-earth sales.
He had many fans among both suppliers and customers, and I envied him.

After I left the company, all three of them worked as section managers, but two of them failed to achieve any results.
T-kun is now working for Company T as an excellent section manager.
My subordinates, supervisors, and clients all remember T’s “pure and dedicated attitude, and a sense of justice that does not allow any deception, even by his superiors.
He has a sense of justice that does not tolerate deception, no matter who the boss is.

Stopgap strategies and schemes may succeed temporarily, but they will not last.
After all, “Keep your word, call in advance to apologize if you can’t keep your word, and make another appointment.
This attitude is important.
The most important thing is to build relationships of trust, both internally and externally.
We must do the work in front of us every day with sincerity. I believe that building trustworthy relationships lies beyond the accumulation of such efforts.
I believe that this is the key to building a relationship of trust.

I humbly accept the fact that we were unable to achieve a majority in the Tokyo metropolitan assembly elections,” the prime minister told reporters about the results.
Every time an election is over, he speaks of “humility.
I think this is because he fears that his “arrogant” comments will destroy the relationship of trust.

No one will trust you if you talk the talk. Trust comes only when it is accompanied by action.
If you think you are trusted and forget to be humble, you will be disliked.

Act with sincerity, keep your promises, and be prompt in your actions. Even when you succeed, always be humble and never forget to reflect on your success.
I thought this is an important commonality in “building trust” for both politicians and businessmen.