
change of pace

I believe that health is an absolute prerequisite for anyone who works, including not only businessmen but also managers.
It is true what they say, “A healthy mind is a healthy body.” It is impossible to come up with good ideas when you are not in good physical condition, and it is impossible to do hard work when you are not in good physical condition. If you are always in poor physical condition, you will not be able to overcome difficulties. And it is important to be healthy not only physically but also mentally and physically.
Now that people are going out less and less because of Corona, why don’t they think once again about how to stay healthy and enjoy their work?
I believe that President Seido Doi understands very well the importance of good health, which is why he is providing funds to support gyms and other facilities.
Today I would like to focus on mental health.

For serious businessmen, stress is a nuisance. There was once an NHK special program called “Killer Stress. It talked about how stress causes a “runaway stress response” in the human body, which destroys brain cells and blood vessels and drives people to death, and introduced ways to control one’s feelings as a countermeasure against stress.

When I was a businessman, I once almost lost my life due to stress.
It was a hot summer day in July 2005.
On the Monday after taking a large amount of work home on my day off and working late into the night, I had a morning meeting early in the morning. On the train to work, I collapsed with severe dizziness and was taken by ambulance. The blood pressure measured in the ambulance was abnormal, so I was prepared for a serious problem.
However, the result was a blessing in disguise, and I was able to leave the hospital three days later, but one wrong move and I could have been in danger.
The cause was that the patient had high blood pressure that was left untreated and was under intense stress, leading to a spike in blood pressure, which may have also caused an acute stroke. It is important to manage blood pressure, but it is also important to handle stress.
Strong external stress may induce disease, but it is impossible for people today to avoid stress. Without moderate stress, bodily functions would degenerate, and extreme stress can paralyze bodily functions. I still think it is necessary to deal with stress in a good way.
But how do we deal with stress?

Isn’t it a matter of changing one’s mind (mood swings)?
I too often dwell on small things, but there is nothing more unproductive than worrying about inconclusive issues. If you are dwelling on your failures, then you should spend your energy on the path to success.

I think it is also an effective way to change your mind on vacation by taking up a hobby.
Before Corona, I used to compete in ballroom dance competitions throughout the year. At competitions, you can’t think about work, so you focus on the competition. Concentrating on something other than work is a good way to change my mind.

I know some of you may not have the time for such a hobby, but it is because you are so busy that you need a change of pace and need to make time for it. The presidents of Nidec, Softbank, and First Rite Rings are extremely busy people who work on private jets, but it seems that they make time to play golf.
To improve work efficiency, it is necessary to change one’s mindset, not to escape from one’s work.

For example, a moderate amount of alcohol after work may give you energy for tomorrow, but excessive drinking to forget about work or to escape can have a negative impact on tomorrow’s work. Instead of vitality for tomorrow, it can create a negative cycle for tomorrow. A change of scenery means that you need to reset to avoid work bias or getting stuck in a rut, not to escape from work.
A change of scenery is important to create a healthy state of mind and body.

I believe that laughter is good for one’s mood and good for one’s health.
I once heard a rakugo storyteller who was a doctor turned rakugo performer.
The rakugo storyteller said that even a young and healthy person’s body produces 3,000 to 5,000 cancer cells a day, and that natural killer (NK) cells are the ones that kill them. There are 5 billion NK cells in the human body, and it is said that when they are active, we are less susceptible to cancer and infectious diseases. When we laugh, we activate NK cells. As a result, NK cells attack cancer cells, viruses, and other sources of disease one after another, thereby enhancing the immune system. In other words, if we laugh a lot, our resistance to cancer and viruses increases, and at the same time, it leads to the improvement of immune disorders. It is probably best to laugh from the bottom of the belly, but even a fake smile is said to activate NK cells as the brain recognizes that you have laughed. Since smiling at work makes you feel uncomfortable, you might as well make up a smile in the restroom.
This is “how to change your mind” that I found on the Internet.
<How to change your mind at work>

1) Stretch
2) Meditate and take deep breaths
3) Stand up and leave the area
4) Clear off your desk.

<How to change your mind at home>

1) Take a drive alone
2) Take a leisurely bath at a lukewarm temperature
3) Traveling
4) Watch an emotional movie and cry or laugh as much as possible

I believe that each person has his/her own way of changing his/her mood.
Would you be interested in introducing your own way of changing your mind?