News APASYS Press Release

InfoEye, a company promoting apparel DX, and its “APASYS” solution for the apparel industry are certified as IT tools eligible for the “IT Introduction Subsidy 2022”.


IT Introduction Subsidy 2022 Up to 4.5 million yen in subsidies are available!

(headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Takayuki Kodoi, President; hereinafter referred to as “INFOI”), which promotes DX in the apparel industry, has been selected as an IT introduction support provider for the “IT introduction subsidy 2022 (IT introduction support business for improving service productivity)” and its apparel solution “APASYS” developed and provided by the company has been certified as an IT tool for the subsidy.
This means that apparel companies eligible for the IT Subsidy 2022 can receive a subsidy of up to 1/2 of the installation cost (initial cost and one-year usage fee) or a maximum of 4.5 million yen when they install APASYS.


What is APASYS?
This solution for the apparel industry includes functions for planning management, merchandise management (products and raw materials), production management, purchase management, sales management, in-house exhibitions, store management, POS, logistics management, analysis, and accounting.
Of course, you can use only the functions you need.
We are currently expanding the functionality of the solution, reflecting customer feedback and the experience of those who have worked in the apparel OEM and SPA industries over the years.
We will continue to strongly promote Apparel DX.

▼ Click here for more information on the target tools.

▼ Click here to learn more about case studies of the target tools.

APASYS case study by Claris FileMaker.

20 cardboard boxes of proposals in your iPhone

Case Study of Centralization of Operations in Apparel OEM Industry – From Planning, Profitability, Exhibition to Production Management

Case study of centralized operations in the apparel industry – from planning and production to exhibitions and accounts receivable/payable management


About IT Deployment Subsidy 2022
The purpose of the IT introduction subsidy is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve business efficiency and increase sales by subsidizing a portion of the cost of introducing IT tools to solve their own issues and needs.


About InfoEye
Since our establishment in 2002, we have been providing solutions and operations for the apparel industry and image cropping services based in Japan and India.
In the future, we will continue to expand our business to the fashion industry and provide useful solutions to our customers.

【About Us】


Company name: InfoEye Inc.
Location: BIZSMART Kanda 503, 1-10-6 Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: KOEDOI Takayuki
Established: February 2002

Qualifications and Certifications

Business Description:
Building and operating solutions for the fashion industry
Image cropping and processing service (Kiricom)