
Set production status

Set production status

Once the production status is set,

The product details and line sheets can be displayed on the image, making it easy to grasp and share the status of the product.

You can freely set the items and colors to be displayed.

In order to set production status for each product, it is necessary to register a master.
The master registration procedure isthis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)

 The production status of each product is set in the product details

Click HOME Products → Product List [Details], select from the pull-down list from Production Status and enter the information.

 Once set, it will appear above the photo.



cost accounting

With Kirikom Plus, you can create and compare 4 patterns of costing
(We are planning to release a function for prorating raw materials and processing by part number and an automatic prorating function based on actual results in the near future.)

1 HOMEProducts → Product List → Go to Product Details screen


2 Click [Cost Accounting] in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Enter the necessary items from screen 1 to 7, and then enter ✔︎ for the items to be recorded and click [Confirm].



Item names can be customized for items marked with 🖋.

(The trade form and the profit method need to be registered in the master in advance.
(Register in HOME Various Masters → Production [Trade Format] [Profit-Making Method])

Set up a person in charge for each product

Set up a person in charge for each product

To register the person in charge, you need to register the user master

HOMEVarious Masters → Register to [User] related to the company and user information.

1 HOMEProducts → Products → Product List → Product Details → Click [Person in Charge] on the left menu


2 Select the person in charge from the pull-down menu



Creating a line sheet allows you to tally item composition, total production value, etc.


1 HOMEProducts → Product List → Register the aggregate items on the product detail screen

yen graspsF: by brand, by item, and by gender
aggregation:Number of part numbers, number of pieces produced, and total production value

2 HOMEProducts[Line Sheets] → [Details] → Line Sheet Display

Click on [Itemized Total] on the screen.

3 Aggregate results are displayed


Reset Password

Reset Password

1 Press the ⚙ symbol in the upper menu to move to the various master screens.


2 Press [User] in the “Company/User Information” section, and then press [Details] for the user to be reconfigured.


3 Click [Reset Password] at the bottom of the screen, and an email will be sent to you to reset your password.



Register or change your company’s information (for administrators)

Register or change your company’s information (for administrators)

1 Press the ⚙ symbol in the upper menu to move to the various master screens.


2 Company/User Information [Company Information] → Go to the registration screen.

The information you provided when you registered as a member is reflected here.

Register or change the information, click “Confirm”, and “Save” if you are satisfied with the content.


Register as a new user (multiple users)

Register as a new user (multiple users)

The first user registered at your company will be the [Administrator].

The user will appear at the top of the list as [Administrator] in the user information.

1 If multiple people are using the system, please register as the administrator.
Click the ⚙ symbol in the upper menu → Company/User Information related [Company Information] to move to the User List screen.


2 Click [+ New User Registration] in the upper right corner of the screen.

3 Go to the user details screen, register, and click [Save].

When you select a job title, it will also appear in the list.



Register a business partner

Register a business partner

1 Go to ⚙ mark in the upper menu → Product Related [Suppliers] → Suppliers List screen

2 Press [+New Registration] in the upper right corner of the screen.

3 Display of customer information registration screen

Register the name of the business partner, contact person, e-mail address, address, etc.

In the Basic Information tab, the supplier code is a required field.
Once the supplier category is selected, it will appear in a pull-down list in the “Supplier” and “Factory” input fields of the product details and raw material details, allowing for selective input.

[You can also register a division/brand from the [Division/Brand] tab. In this case, the name of the person in charge and his/her e-mail address are required.


Various master list screens

Various master list screens

master registration

If basic information is registered as a master,
This makes it easier to share information within the company and eliminates the need to register the same information over and over again.

Click the ⚙ mark in the upper menu→Various master list screen

Press the button for the item to be registered to move to the respective registration screen and register it according to the screen.

Raw materials, profitability methods, trade forms, progress control items, etc., are tied to convenient functions related to production such as cost accounting and scheduling.

Product Related
It is tied to color, size, production status, company JAN code, and other useful functions of product details.
In-house and user information related
Confirmation of customer information or change/registration of customer information.


Customize schedule items

Customize schedule items

General items in the schedule are defaulted, but can be customized by the customer


1 HOME Various Masters → Production [Progress Control Items], and move to the screen.
(The default progress control items are registered.)


2 JP (Japanese) and EN (English) are registered by default.
(If you wish to switch languages, register both JP and EN)


3 The schedule items you set are reflected in the process names in the production schedule



If a progress control item (process name) is changed, all part numbers will be changed (not by the person in charge).