
Register an image

Register an image

Register an image from the + mark

You can register PNG, JPG, GIF, OBJ, and FBX format files.

After registering, click the “Save” button to complete saving.

Screen for registering an image from new registration


Change Language

Change Language

Click on any flag icon in the upper right corner of the login screen and select your language.

Alternatively, press [Language] in the upper right corner of the screen and select from the pull-down list.


In-house and user information related

In-house and user information related

HOME screen → Various masters → Company/user information

In-house Information

Register your company information. (The information you provided when you registered as a member is reflected here.)


Here is a list of users of your company.

The first person registered in your company will be the [Administrator],It will appear at the top of the list. *The administrator can be changed later.
You can tag and register the job titles of those who have registered with us and view the list.
You can reset your password here [Details].


Product Related

Product Related

Click the ⚙ mark in the upper menu → Various master screens

Master registration of basic product-related information.

Once registered as a master, the registration information is displayed in a pull-down list on the Product Details and Raw Material Details screens, allowing for selective input.

brand:Register your brand

Product Category:Register and classify product categories (tops, knits, etc.)

season (fruits and vegetables, sporting, holidays):Register a season

item:Register the category of the item

home (i.e. hometown, home country):Register country code and country name
exhibition:Register the name of the exhibition

color:Register a color sample with the color picker for the color to be used.

gender:Register the required gender

Size:Registers the product’s expansion size

scene:Product scene names can be registered

Production Status:Register the production status of your product

interior:Register your product interior

Enterprise JAN Code:Register a company JAN code

currency:Register your currency

Image processing instructions:Register an image processing pattern to be requested from Kirikom.

exchange rate:Register exchange rate

client:Register your suppliers, each division and brand

unit:Register credits

Keywords.:Register keywords that can be used in Messe and EC

consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.):Register the sales tax rate, country and period.

Material Processing Distinctions:Register detailed categories of raw materials





Press the ⚙ symbol in the upper menu → Production Related

Master registration of basic production-related information.
Once the master information is registered, it will be displayed in a pull-down list in the product details and raw material details screens, and can be selected for input.

trade pattern:Register trade patterns

profit-taking system:Register your extraction method (please register your extraction method)

Progress control items:Register progress control items to be displayed in schedules, etc.

Raw material classification:Register the category and type of raw material

part:Register the part name

Item part:Register a set of parts for each item.

Location of each type:Registers the location of tags and other attachments

notation:Register windage notation

windage notation set:Registers a set of windage notations.

Laundry picture display type:Registers the type of laundry picture label

pictorial label for washing clothes:Register laundry picture label

Laundry Picture Display Set:Registers a set of laundry picture labels.

optional word:Register Appendix Terms

Sewing check items:Register sewing check items

Raw materials used:Register raw materials used in raw materials

Icon Classification:Register an icon category

icon:Register an icon

icon set:Register a set of icons

Logo:Register your logo

Color variation:Register color variations

home (i.e. hometown, home country)

Register the country name of your overseas trading partner


Progress control items

Edit production schedule items
Default is already registered in Japanese and English (language switching is available)



Register the currency to be used.
Please register it as a copy of the costing statement (to be linked to items to be released in the future).


Raw material classification

Register the category of raw materials
Register types of raw materials, materials, etc. (to be tied to items to be released in the future)


Production Status

Register the status of samples, production, etc.
(You can specify the color to be displayed)


It will appear in the product list like this



Register the units to be used (costing units)



Production Calendar

Production Calendar

Production Calendar


The calendar displays images on the first day of the registered period
Pressing the product image displays the production schedule




Production Schedule

The production schedule allows you to manage schedules and actuals.
Schedule items can be customized by yourself from various masters.


line sheet

line sheet

HOMEProducts → Line Sheet

1 Enter criteria to search for products (press [Clear] to reset the criteria)
2 List of line sheets already created (can also be [Delete] at ✔︎)
3 Button to create a new line sheet
4 Button to move to the line sheet detail screen


Product Details

Product Details

HOME → Product List → Product Details Screen

1 Display the first registered image as a thumbnail
:Part number, sample part number, product name, and brand are displayed below.
2 Menu to go to each detailed product information and production-related page
3 Press the image to display the image list
4 Up to 12 images can be registered
5 Product Description and Remarks
6 Item name and part number are required items
7 Other product-related items
:For items with a V mark in the input column, master-registered information is displayed in a pull-down list and can be selected for input.
8 Request directly to Kirikom button
*After registering or making changes, be sure to complete the [Save] button.


Product List

Product List

There are two types of screen displays: icons and lists.
You can switch between them by clicking the icon in the upper center of the screen.
You can also narrow down the displayed content by entering criteria in the product search (left side of the screen).

list view

Product [Details] and [Sewing Specifications] can be accessed from this screen.


Functions available from this screen

・New Registration
・Line sheet creation
・JAN code acquisition

(lessening the significance or value of the previous word) the likes of

Iconic Iconic Iconic Iconic Iconic Iconic Iconic Icon

Press the photo to go to the product detail screen



HOME screen

HOME screen

HOME screen (TOP screen)

Icon and Menu Description①Click on our character “KIRI-chan” in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the HOME screen.

②[Hover the mouse over [Products], [Raw Materials], or [Kirikom] to display the menu. Clicking on a page title will take you to that screen. Also, the text of the item being displayed on the screen will be in blue.

③From the left icon, there are Help Site (this site) / Various Masters / User Name / Language Settings / Logout. You can navigate to each page. Clicking on a user name will take you to the Edit User Information page. You can also change language settings and logout by clicking this icon.