
Support function for “Souge Business”: Generate and register product descriptions using the A I function in Kiricom Plus!

Today, Wednesday, June 29, a press release was issued regarding the “Sage Operations” support function of Kilicom Plus! This is the third time we have introduced the “Sage Business” support function in this blog. Today, we offer a function that uses AI to automatically extract keywords from product images and even generate a description of the product. We have introduced it once before, but the functionality has been brushed up and it is much easier to use. Creation of product descriptions, which is the “manuscript (ge)” part of “Sage Business”. The impetus for the development of this service came from the frequent inquiries we received from customers of our service, Kiricom, who are engaged in EC business. We want to help you reduce your workload, and with that in mind, we have developed and released the software free of charge! This feature, which we hope you will try, requires only three steps to use. (1) EC Information > Basic Information is displayed from the product details. Register images by drag & drop. (2) Keywords extracted from the image and their accuracy are displayed.   The number of keywords that can be used to create a product description is limited to 10. Delete unnecessary ones while viewing the contents, and register additional ones as needed.  Select Japanese or English and click “Generate”!   AI-generated product introductions will be displayed.   Check and save. Each time you click “Generate,” you will see a different text, so please use the one that strikes your fancy. Please use the one that strikes your fancy. Again, we have prepared an operation video. We would like you to actually operate this AI product description auto-creation function rather than watching it in the video…! AI will do its best with any image. We hope you will find it useful in reducing your daily workload!✨ Kiricom Plusis a free cloud service that allows you to centralize your image and product management.
Please register for free and feel the operation. In Kiricom Plus,New introduction consultationBeginning with the “Mere Old Man”,Online ConsultationWe also accept Please feel free to contact us.

Support function for “Sasage Business”: Let’s register to the texture chart with Kiricom Plus and get HTML data!

Kilicom Plus has released a new function for creating EC information. Continuing from yesterday, today we will introduce the “texture chart registration function. Looking at e-commerce sites these days, we see an increasing number of charts describing the fabrics used in products. Spurred by the Corona disaster, and now that shopping online is commonplace, it is essential to display the information in a way that is easy for customers to understand. Certainly, it is easier to understand at a glance than a written explanation, as was the case a decade ago. This work is the “manuscript” portion of the whispering business, and a chart display would be useful to create a more sophisticated manuscript than other companies. …but it is quite time-consuming to create that chart every time. So! The “Texture Chart Registration Function” released by Kilicom Plus is very useful. In order to tell customers about the texture of the materials used in your products, you can register a variety of items. How thick the fabric is, whether it is stretchable or not, whether it is transparent or not, whether it is shiny or not, and so on…all of these are things that cannot be seen from the screen. By registering them and making them selectable, the efficiency of registration work in daily EC operations can be improved. The texture chart is also available as HTML data for use on web pages. Now, there are four steps to operate such a texture chart. ①  Register textures and their evaluation values on the master screen. (e.g., fabric thickness: thick, normal, thin) ②  ①Registers a set of textures registered in ((e.g., blouse, fabric thickness, transparency, elasticity, etc.) ③  EC Information > Texture Description is displayed from the product details. ②Select from the set set in ④Set and save chart contents. This completes the process. Again, a short video of the operation is available. Please take a look and experience Kilicom Plus! Kiricom Plusis a free cloud service that allows you to centralize your image and product management. Please register for free and feel the operation. In Kilicom Plus,New introduction consultationBeginning with the “Mere Old Man”,Online ConsultationWe also accept Please feel free to contact us.

Support function for “Sage Business”: Register for size chart with Kiricom Plus and get HTML data!

Kirikom Plus has released a new EC information creation function! Today, we would like to introduce the size chart registration function, which is indispensable for EC operations. Simply put, it is a function that allows you to register the size chart of a product for each item number. Furthermore, the registered size charts can be saved as HTML data. If you are in the EC business, you must have heard the term “Sage Business”.。 Photography Measurements. Manuscripts. These acronyms are called “Sage Operations. In order to upload the product images to the company’s e-commerce site, we photograph the product from various angles, create a product description that is easy for the customer to understand, and then take measurements and put them together into size descriptions. These are very important to convey the company’s products to customers in an attractive and correct manner, and are important tasks that directly lead to sales. On the other hand, the hassle of people and equipment, and the cost, time, and skills required for efficient business progress, may be a headache for many. By using the size chart function of Kilicom Plus, which is introduced in this article, you can easily find the size of your whispering business.Measurements. It is possible to improve efficiency in some areas. You can also use the HTML data I mentioned at the beginning of this article to display on a web page. There are three major operating procedures.  (1) From the master screen, set what item part is displayed at what type of time for which item. (e.g., when setting the maxi length of a dress, the length, bust, hem width, shoulder width, and sleeve length are displayed.) ②  EC information from product details > Dimension table is displayed.①Select the settings made in ③  Enter dimensions for each size and save. This completes the process! Again, a short video of the operation is available. Please take a look and experience Kilicom Plus! Kiricom Plusis taking a variety of steps every day to lighten the burden of EC operations. Manuscripts.”For increased efficiency in creation,AI automatic product description creationfeatures are available. Please see our June 11 blog for more information. Our service, Kiricom, also offers a variety of image and photo processing and retouching services. Shooting.”If you have any problems with the images that you have made, please contact Kirikom.
Kirikom Plus is a free cloud service that allows you to centralize your image and product management. Please register for free and feel the operation. In Kilicom Plus,New introduction consultationBeginning with the “Mere Old Man”,Online ConsultationWe also accept Please feel free to contact us.

Shorten time using AI: Automatic acquisition of keywords from images, automatic creation of product descriptions from keywords

AI Automated Product Description Creation

Here is an introduction to the functions of Kilicom Plus.
The tool acquires keywords from product images using AI, updates the keywords as necessary, and automatically creates product descriptions using AI.
This batch auto-retrieval tool is customized for each customer.

It is not a perfect product description, but we hope you will use it to reduce your daily workload of listing a large number of items.


Automatic AI creation of product descriptions (multi-language support)


AI automatically acquires features from product images, and features can also be added or deleted manually.
Based on these features, AI generates product descriptions in multiple languages.


New Information HTML Generation

Kilipla What's New HTML


It is possible to easily create HTML such as a list of new products to be displayed on the top page of a shopping mall.


Fuzzy notation HTML

Kiricom Plus_EC Tab Windage Indication


Each texture item is also mastered, making it easy to create a texture description for each product.


Dimension Table HTML

Size chart HTML can be generated by selecting only the necessary sizes for posting on e-commerce sites.
The part of the item can also be easily configured from the item-specific part master.


Picture Type List

List of Kilipla pictograms


You can easily output a list of pictorial models that can be used for both planning and sales purposes.
It is difficult to produce materials picked up by customers after business meetings.
With Kilicom Plus, you can create materials simply by selecting products.


Images by Product Color


Easily register images of products by color.
Registered images can be requested to “Kiricom,” an image cropping and processing service, in a batch.