Easily register images of products by color.
Registered images can be requested to “Kiricom,” an image cropping and processing service, in a batch.
Tag: 商品
It is possible to set the color size of the product and set the color chips that match the product with the color picker.
This makes it easier to make proposals to customers.
Raw material information by product
Raw material and processing details can be registered for each product on the product and raw material details screen.
profit control
Profitability management is often created and reviewed in Excel using multiple patterns.
With Kirikom Plus, you can create and compare four patterns to determine each unit price for full production.
We also plan to release functions for raw materials by part number, processing prorating, and automatic prorating by actual performance in due course.
Grasp the entire product image list
Product images and planning information registered by each staff member can also be easily listed and narrowed down.